If you're going to be out holiday shopping, set your DVRs for the debut of Cenk Uygur and the Young Turks on Current TV this Monday! Cenk will be on at 7pm Eastern/6pm Central weeknights on Current TV. As an extra added bonus, if you watch
December 3, 2011

If you're going to be out holiday shopping, set your DVRs for the debut of Cenk Uygur and the Young Turks on Current TV this Monday! Cenk will be on at 7pm Eastern/6pm Central weeknights on Current TV.

As an extra added bonus, if you watch on Friday, you might catch a glimpse or two of our own Tina Dupuy. :)

If you're not sure whether Current is available with your cable carrier, visit this page to get the channel number or petition your carrier to add them to the lineup.

Congratulations to The Young Turks on their new gig. Best of luck to them all!

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