Example of a transvaginal ultrasound procedureAt the Wisconsin Right to Life Legislative Conference this week, the state’s top Republican lawmakersassured attendees that they will do everything in their power to enact a forced ultrasound bill, which would mandate an invasive transvaginal probefor some women seeking first-trimester abortions. “This bill is a priority,” Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R) said. “It is long overdue.”
At the same conference, the executive director of Wisconsin Right to Life, Barbara Lyons, claimed that the “Woman’s Right to Know her Unborn Child Act” doesn’t actually intend to mandate a transvaginal ultrasound.
Yeah, sure it doesn't. It doesn't intend to mandate it, but I'm sure it mandates it regardless of intent because Republicans really, truly believe they're the party of small government and forcible penetration of a woman's vagina with a plastic probe.
For the children, of course.