Josh writes:
I guess this is what happens late in the tight presidential race. Ronna Romney is the ex-sister-in-law of Mitt Romney. She’s apparently remained close to the Romney family. She has a minor role in the Romney campaign in Florida and has recently appeared at campaign events in Michigan with her daughter.
Earlier this afternoon she posted these grotesque images of the mangled body of the late Ambassador Chris Stevens with the words “Obama killed him” surrounded by dripping blood.
One of the images in the montage wasn't Ambassador Stevens. It was Moammar Gaddafi.
This is sick, feeble, disgusting imagery intended to drip the blood of a dead United States ambassador all over President Obama. Can you imagine the outrage if we started creating photo montages of dead 9-11 victims or dead soldiers and overlaid them with the words "Bush killed them"?
Mitt Romney should immediately denounce this image and any like it. He should apologize for continuing to use the tragic deaths of Americans in Libya as a political wedge. And he should get a clue about the damage this does not only to us as Americans, but also to Americans abroad.
Posting this on the day of a national security debate was no accident. It was intended to be inflammatory and make people angry. All you need to know about tonight's debate is in this one image. Mitt Romney cannot ever be in charge of our foreign policy. EVER.