Senator Kyl said this on the Senate floor Wednesday:
“I don’t know if you’ve ever been involved in victims’ rights, but this is like a judge telling the woman that got raped, ‘you asked for it because of the way you dressed,’ ” Mr. Kyl said. “That’s the same thing. ‘Well America, you should be the ones to apologize. You should have known this would happen’,” he said. “For a member of our State Department to put out a statement like that, it had to be cleared by somebody. They don’t just do that at the spur of the moment.”
Just last week, a judge in Senator Kyl's home state told a woman who was groped by a drunk policeman that the policeman wasn't all that guilty, but she was because she dared to be in a bar. Seriously. Here's what she said:
"If you wouldn't have been there that night, none of this would have happened to you," Hatch said.
Every time I think Republicans won't surprise me, they do.