April 9, 2013

I'm sure glad Fox News doesn't consider race an issue ever, because if they did, they might have seen Star Parker's remark on Hannity's show as a bit racist. The discussion was about the movie "Runaway Slave", which is a Freedomworks production originally intended to alienate African-American voters from the Democratic Party and Barack Obama during the election.

But Star Parker took it a step further, drawing a parallel between the plantations of the 1800s and today. Specifically, she said "the overseer is the Congressional Black Caucus. Their exclusive job today is to keep them on the plantation, keep them uneducated, and and keep them unarmed."


Parker is the president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. CURE's advisory board includes such Republican stalwarts as disgraced former Attorney General Ed Meese, crooked former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, the recently-famous blowhard Ben Carson, former Bush Attorney General John Ashcroft, and more.

Even better, Clarence Thomas' spouse Ginni Thomas, who now works for the Daily Caller but used to run her own billionaire-backed nonprofit, sits on the board of Parker's organization. That's cozy.

With an all-star advisory board like that, I was curious about what CURE actually does, so I checked out the last couple of years' tax returns (2010 and 2011 - PDF). After paying Parker her $167,000 or so, covering five-figure costs for travel and the like, paying her daughter $36,000 to handle the bookkeeping and shelling out almost $50,000 for the office expenses, most of the rest was paid to fundraisers. According to their returns, they mailed out some newsletters, networked with pastors and redesigned their website. Of course, there is the Fox contributor thing, too, which is described as "educating the public on television and radio."

I wouldn't stoop to Star Parker's level, but $700,000 per year to produce a large part of nothing other than a mass emailing now and then and accusing well-meaning legislators of being plantation overseers seems like projection.

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