Paul Ryan may want to be Vice President, but he's not endearing the military to him with this kind of talk. From National Journal: House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., claimed Thursday that senior U.S. military officials and commanders
March 29, 2012

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Paul Ryan may want to be Vice President, but he's not endearing the military to him with this kind of talk.

From National Journal:

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., claimed Thursday that senior U.S. military officials and commanders were being dishonest in their budget requests to Congress.

“We don’t believe the generals are giving us their true budget,” Ryan said at the National Journal Live Budget Policy summit, adding, “I think there’s a lot of budget smoke and mirrors in the Pentagon’s budget.”

Ryan's comment referred to a common Republican complaint that the defense request -- which is strongly supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff -- was not "strategy-driven," and was based instead on an artificial spending cap. The chiefs, in testimony and public remarks since early February, have said they carefully built a strategy and a budget to meet the required limits of the Budget Control Act that Congress passed last year and endorsed the fiscal 2013 request.

I think Paul Ryan is one of the nastiest and most cynical politicians on the planet, and this just proves it. Because the military actually honored the Congressional mandate to cut or be sequestered, Ryan calls them liars?

May I take this opportunity to ask you to support Blue America and Rob Zerban's campaign to send Paul Ryan back home and out of Congress forever, please? Paul Ryan's lack of respect for everyone, including a military that is making the effort to reduce defense spending is contemptible.

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