(Warning: NSFW language toward the middle) I'm not sure there's much more I can say about this. In a similar manner to the Obama shooting game
August 9, 2010

(Warning: NSFW language toward the middle)

I'm not sure there's much more I can say about this. In a similar manner to the Obama shooting game at a recent church carnival, this carnival game involves throwing beanbags at likenesses of President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Saddam Hussein and a few random figures.

The likeness of Osama bin Laden next to the President is particularly disgusting.

Yes, the figures are caricatures and bad ones at that. Still, the combination of creepy targets and the dripping anger of the white guys throwing things at the President? Brrrrr.

Somewhere out there, carnival wingnuts are dancing.

(h/t Gawker)

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