Evidently the Missouri Senate took those arguments to heart and decided they should immediately de-fund the state Drivers' License Bureau in order to fend off the evil liberals who will surely use the data there to take everyone's guns away.
Missouri state senators on on Monday voted to eliminate all funding for the Department of Revenue’s driver’s license bureau because they were angry about the way the agency was keeping concealed carry gun records.
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Kurt Schaefer (R) said that he had created that draconian cuts to send a message to Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon’s administration.
“They will not be able to issue any driver’s licenses,” Schaefer admitted on Monday.
Republican lawmakers in Missouri became alarmed at a recent hearing at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing when Revenue Department Director Brian Longrefused to agree to stop scanning and retaining concealed carry data. Long said that the records helped to prevent fraud.
Long resigned from his post as director earlier this month.
But it wasn't just over concerns that concealed carry permit records were being kept. No, no. There was more.
Melissa Wilson, wife of state Rep. Kenneth Wilson (R), told the committee earlier this month that she was certain that gun records had been shared with the federal government as a part of a United Nations initiative called Agenda 21, which some conservatives believe is a conspiracy to “transform America from the land of the free, to the land of the collective” through “a mind-control” tactic called the Delphi technique.
A 2009 Missouri law prohibits state officials from implementing the federal Real ID Act, and a state House panel this week approved legislation that made it illegal to share information about concealed carry permits.
I'll bet if we look hard enough, we'll find a law on Missouri's books outlawing fluoride in their water, too. Maybe that's why they keep believing all of this nonsense. Fluoride. And fillings, receiving messages from outer space.