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Because of wingnuts like Rick Santorum, the Senate behaved in a shameful manner Tuesday. It was painful to watch Lawrence O'Donnell's pain in this segment. Clearly he is proud of his work in the Senate and regards it as a distinguished body, which is why it was so difficult for him to do this segment.
His pain stems from the idiotic vote in Tuesday's Senate proceedings to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This should have been a simple ratification, because there is nothing in it that is in any way pre-emptive of United States law. In fact, it was modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Yet because of the teaBirchers' paranoia and petty nonsense, they couldn't get 67 Senators to ratify it, even after they brought Bob Dole in his wheelchair to try and shame some of those old-timers into doing the right thing. What a joke today's teaBirchers are.
Here's an example of the legacy retiring Senator Jon Kyl will leave:
“It is not something which the United States needs to sign on to, but there is a great emotional case being made that we need to do this. I think it’s a great opportunity to talk about trans-national law, and how there is an insidious and dedicated movement to attack U.S. sovereignty.”
Yes, that's right. Signing onto a convention that would actually expand the rights of the disabled around the world is definitely a movement to attack the sovereignty of the United States. Because people having access to health care and buildings is somehow evil?
Worse yet, the architects of the opposition were homeschool associations, which proves that we should actually reconsider how we allow our kids to be educated. Sometimes parents just don't know best. If they're too stupid to know a paranoid, idiotic idea when they hear it, they're too stupid to be teaching their kids.
Where is the courageous conservative who will renounce these teaBirchers and send them back to exile? Answer? There isn't one. So we'd better be sure we all do it in 2014.