WisconsinWatch reported this morning that Carlos Lam, an Indiana prosecutor, denied writing it, though he confirmed the Hotmail address as one belonging to him.
Here's the text of the email:
“If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions,” the email said.
“Currently, the media is painting the union protest as a democratic uprising and failing to mention the role of the DNC and umbrella union organizations in the protest. Employing a false flag operation would assist in undercutting any support that the media may be creating in favor of the unions. God bless, Carlos F. Lam.”
And here's his oh-so-sincere denial:
“I am flabbergasted and would never advocate for something like this, and would like everyone to be sure that that’s just not me,” he said, after being read the email.
Asked his views on Scott Walker, Lam said, “I think he’s trying to do what he has to do to get his budget balanced. But jeez, that’s taking it a little bit to the extreme,” he said of the email’s suggestion to fake violence. “Jeez!”
Hmmm. But now it's a few hours later, and he has resigned after admitting writing the email. Surely a good staunch Republican lawyer wouldn't lie to the press so easily, would he?
Well, yes. And he hemmed himself in, because the headers were included with the original email which contain an originating IP address. Despite his protestations that he was minivan shopping with the family and must have been hacked, it's likely he just couldn't get around that pesky email address.
Now here's a little bit about Mr. Lam:
His blog posts, video appearances and comments on the Internet paint the picture of an outspoken, politically active, longtime Republican who has publicly lambasted collective bargaining for state employee unions and alluded to government taxation as "essentially taking money at gunpoint."
In one of his 1,306 comments on a stock investors' site, Lam called Indiana "an unsustainable public worker gravy train bubble." In another, he said "unions & companies that feed at the gov't trough will fight tooth & nail against anything that un-feathers their nests."
Lam wrote in his account profile there that he "believes that to truly prosper as the republic envisioned by the Founding Fathers, we must return to principles of sound money and limited government. He has his own '3G network' that is quite apart from Apple: guns, gold and gasoline.' "
That's two Indiana prosecutors who have lost their jobs over online misconduct related to the Wisconsin protests. I'm shocked -- SHOCKED -- that an officer of the court would do such a thing. Aren't you?