Batten down the hatches, the neocons are coming...again. Mitt Romney already has his national security team lined up. No big surprises in it -- it reads like a re-air of the Bush Administration, and Sean Hannity is in his element.
Here are the people Sean Hannity calls "the best, brightest military minds, heroes" that he has ever had the opportunity to meet. Evidently he doesn't get out much. Sean's list includes Oliver North (convicted felon), Gen. Thomas McInerney (birther), KT McFarland (Reagan PR hack), Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Republican tea party water carrier, and more.
Hannity's purpose in convening this tribunal was to try the president for the crime of "spiking the football." Well, that and also to foment some sympathies for a war with Iran, and also pimp some participants' books, and also to further justify torture. It truly was a shameless display from a shameless partisan who feels not even a pang of compunction at stirring up support for more senseless death and destruction in the world.
In the first section, we have Oliver North cheerleading for torture, and condemning the "media and the far left" for challenging waterboarding techniques so they can repeat the trope that "enhanced interrogation techniques" led to the capture and killing of Bin Laden. Meh. Only True Believers actually buy that nonsense. It's as much of a myth as WMD in Iraq at this point. I might actually take Hannity seriously if he had actually manned up and taken Keith Olbermann's challenge to be waterboarded himself.
Hannity then moves on to the question of the imminent takeover of the entire world by radical Islamists, while ignoring the takeover of our country by radical Catholics and far right-wing Christians. Birther McInerney takes over this segment for Sean, earnestly informing his audience that these Islamists "are just getting started," and how the ideology is as evil as "Nazism, fascism and communism." McInerney finishes off his statement with the declaration that the "Muslim Brotherhood is in the White House."
I kid you not. He actually said that. Not to be outdone, Hannity earnestly questions this disgrace of a general about whether this is World War III, and are we going to have to "launch a pre-emptive strike on Iran?"
Holy crap, these people are nuts. I can only hope no one bothered to watch this travesty and waste of broadcast time because they're just flat-out crazy.
The final piece of this clip deals with pearl-clutching over negotiations with the Taliban. Clearly Sean Hannity has not managed to understand the distinction between the Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban. They're two different and distinct organizations, and the Afghan Taliban are going to be a necessary part of any effort for Afghanistan to be self-sustaining and responsible for their own security. Not negotiating with them guarantees the country will continue to be ripped apart by civil war.
I realize these folks only understand "kill, maim, and destroy" as a solution, but they are shouting into a void, unless one is a Romney supporter. Romney definitely agrees with their fearmongering ways, but by a clear and concrete margin, Americans do not. Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity can keep flogging the fear and hoping they get some ears to hear, but what I know is that this country is tired of war, tired of losing our best and brightest to death by IED, and tired of going broke doing it. When only 17% of the country supports military action with Iran, no amount of Hannity and Associated Neocon Bloviation is going to move that needle.
If ever there was a case to be made that Rupert Murdoch and Associates are not competent to run a news network, Sean Hannity and his Gang of Neocons should be the closing argument. Disgusting.