August 7, 2010


What a fun idea for a Saturday afternoon! Nothing like a Sharron Angle special to stoke up the fires of homophobia and phony righteousness. Also? She's inspired a treasure hunt.

Here's how it goes. Sharron Angle said in an interview that she would return any campaign contributions from corporate PACs that supported gay rights. That's an invitation too juicy to turn down. Via Greg Sargent:

Angle laid out this position in a candidate questionnaire that she filled out for the Washington-based Government is not God PAC.

In question 35A of the questionnaire, Angle was asked:

Would you refuse PAC money from those who are fundamentally opposed to your views on social issues?

Angle checked the Yes box. The questionnaire then asked:

In reference to question 35A, Intel Corporation supports "equal rights for gays" and offers benefits to "partners" of homosexual employees. Would you refuse funds from this corporate PAC?

Angle again checked the Yes box.

Ok, here's the deal. Angle's FEC listing of donor PACs is here. Let's just look at one -- the Alamo PAC. Why lookee there at all those corporate donors to that PAC. That's a very big long list of corporate donors. Of course, when corporations donate to PACs like Alamo PAC and Alamo PAC then passes along a donation to Angle, there's no single company to hang the contribution on. But I'm willing to bet one of those companies supports gay rights.

We could also look at the Tea Party Express, and its corporate donors, because Angle received a boatload of donations from them.

The hunt is on. Let's find those contributions and get that refund machine started!

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