In Pennsylvania, ThinkProgress warns that the latest version of Republicans' plan to rig the electoral college has been introduced into the state Senate:
Gov. Tom Corbett (R-PA) was one of the earliest supporters of rigging the Electoral College, backing a plan to do so as early as 2011. Republican state Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi was one of the leading supporters of election-rigging the and late this week, he — along with a dozen other co-sponsors — introduced a new plan to rig the Electoral College votes in his blue state of Pennsylvania. Under this legislation, a large chunk of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes would be awarded to the Republican candidate even though Pennsylvania is a solid blue state that has supported the Democratic candidate for president in every election since 1992.
Meanwhile, MSNBC is reporting that Michigan Republicans are 100 percent behind a similar effort there:
The electoral college rigging scheme that drew criticism of cheating and was disavowed by many prominent Republicans now has the official backing of more than 1,300 Michigan Republicans.
According to the Detroit Free-Press, at the GOP party convention in Lansing this weekend more than 90% of Republicans voted in favor of a resolution to change the electoral vote distribution process from winner-take-all to one in which 14 of the state’s votes went to the winner in each congressional district. The final two votes would go to the state’s overall winner.
As we reported earlier this year, that planwould have given Mitt Romney 9 of the states 16 electoral votes, despite the fact that he lost the state by 9%.
But not all Republicans are on board with the plan. Governor Rick Snyder has said it’s ”not the appropriate time” to discuss a plan to change the electoral college, saying he’d prefer a bipartisan conversation held closer to a census.
Yes, well. Governor Snyder also said he wouldn't ram through a right-to-work bill in Michigan too, and after voters rejected right-to-work laws in that state, Snyder signed one into law anyway. I wouldn't take his concern over timing very seriously at all.
This isn't over. They're just operating in the shadows right now.