He's baaaaack. As I suspected, letting Glenn Beck loose from Fox News didn't keep him from stirring the pot, and this time it's on a global basis. Here's his plan, via Gather.com: Beck met with Cardinals, Monsignors, Archbishops and other
February 22, 2012

He's baaaaack. As I suspected, letting Glenn Beck loose from Fox News didn't keep him from stirring the pot, and this time it's on a global basis. Here's his plan, via Gather.com:

Beck met with Cardinals, Monsignors, Archbishops and other Catholic leaders and officials at the Vatican. Beck's website says, "They discussed the importance of freedom of expression and freedom of conscience, as well as standing against the rise of secularism and the rise of anti-Semitism." Fans will have to wait until later today when Glenn is back to discuss his trip. Anything that can help to bring peace between religions and work towards solidarity against secular attacks will be welcome by many.

Mr. Beck also spoke with Tea Party leaders from Serbia, Georgia, Milan, Rome, Germany, Austria, London, and Israel. Who knew there was a Tea Party overseas? The meeting was put together by FreedomWorks and Mercury One. The website says they discussed the peace movement overseas and "...an integrated global effort to champion Tea Party ideals." On his Monday radio show, Beck will talk about his "...vision for a multi-faith coalition that stands in support of religious liberty." Last night on his Twitter, Beck posted, "I'm back from "special assignment" with amazing news.

Yeah. Amazing news. I found this snippet from his interview about the Grand Plan with Bill O'Reilly to be pretty interesting, at about 50 seconds in:

BECK: I think the problem is that Europe is going to fall into real darkness and the old hatreds will rear their ugly heads, if we don't help each other. We're going to have a global peace and freedom movement, or tea party movement meeting in Dallas this summer on July 26th along with FreedomWorks...

What did he mean by "fall into real darkness" and "old hatreds?" I have an idea, but it's not quite clear to me and if I climb into the head of a typical Fox viewer I'm afraid my head will explode, so I'll leave that question to you.

At any rate, Beck is seeking to rally the troops around in order to revive the tea party folks just in time for the election, it seems. With primary participation at all-time lows, I suppose dragging Beck out of the closet might be this group's last hurrah.

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