Before you go after me for giving Glenn Beck any attention again, please watch this:
I am writing this post so that I can email it to my in-laws who watch Glenn Beck's show every single day and ask them how they can support this kind of heartless and inhuman spew. I am writing this post because it isn't right for him to be able to shout this kind of excrement out with no counter response. It offends me. No, it infuriates me. At this point, it's all too personal and too close to home and I'm really just damn sick and tired of letting conservatives get away with this crap while they roll in their moneybags and lowball bids on foreclosed homes of the people who aren't them.
Glenn Beck needs to be unemployed for at least 99 weeks, without benefits. He needs to lose everything he worked for all his life, his home, his status, his self-esteem, his overblown sense of self-righteousness and most especially, his damn microphone, pointer and chalkboard.
In 90 seconds, Beck goes for the double play: Demonize unions and the unemployed together, because they're not "regular Americans." No, they're so into sucking off the government teat that they won't even bother to look for a job.
C&L's posting standards prevent me from using the language I think appropriate to describe this man with a brain cell count lower than an amoeba and the soul of the devil himself. But as someone who has been employed and has been an employer too, listening to the venom in his tone and the hypocrisy of his hate was enough to make me run for the Tums. I'm also going to have to plaster the hole in the wall where my closed hand went through it while viewing the video for the first time.
This is what right-wing compassion looks like. View it up close and personal. There's nothing but a selfish, ugly, lying, shriveled piece of sh-t where a heart should be.
The transcript follows, but watch the video, because it's as much his tone of voice as it is what he says. Also, he's either lying in the video or he's lying here. But you knew that. It's his native tongue.
You have the 99ers. Have you heard of the 99ers? Oh, there they are. The Democratic Socialists of America. The 99ers. These people, some of which, frankly, I bet you'd be ashamed to call them Americans.
They think that 99 weeks on employment benefits just aren't enough. Last week they went down to Wall Street and they protested. 99er Connie Kaplan asked, "Are you going to tell us, President Obama and Congress, that our lives are not worth saving?"
Connie, here's an idea, I'll save your life. Don't spend your remaining money on travel to get to a protest, go out and get a job. You may not love the job. Work at McDonald's. Work at two jobs. There's been plenty of times in my life where I've done jobs that I've hated, but I had no choice.
Two years is plenty of time to have lived off your neighbor's wallet.
Awww, stop being so mean, these people are just regular people. Really? Are they really just regular people? She looks normal, doesn't she? (points to woman holding sign) Yes, there she is.
These aren't regular people. These are Workers of the World Unite, these are SEIU people, AFL-CIO, the Democratic Socialists of America -- that's not regular people. They're socialists and anti-capitalists.
Do you remember seeing this photo on The Drudge Report last week? (From sign) "A job is a right." By the way, here's the union label, right there. No. A job is not a right. In the former Soviet Union, it was a right. In Venezuela, it's a right, but not here.
How many weeks of unemployment are enough? Really? If 99 weeks is not enough, how much is? Is it 100, is it 200, is it a lifetime?