::Headdesk:: Florida state house candidate Marg Baker has some not-so-new ideas for how to handle illegal immigrants: “I was just a little g
August 13, 2010

::Headdesk:: Florida state house candidate Marg Baker has some not-so-new ideas for how to handle illegal immigrants:

“I was just a little girl in Miami, and they built camps for the people that snuck into the country because they were illegal,” Baker said. “They put them in the camps and they shipped them back. We can do that. We can do E-Verify. We must stop them.”

In an interview with Salon (where she might have had an opportunity to clarify in a good way)), she elaborated:

"We can ship them out to the middle of the country and put up high walls and leave them there," said Marg Baker, the middle-aged real estate broker vying for the Republican nomination in the state's 48th district, north of Tampa.

And she gets even more specific later on:

Asked if what she had in mind was more like the Japanese internment camps of the World War II era, Baker said, "something like that. But unfortunately in the Japanese camps they detaineed American citizens. The only ones I want to detain are the ones who are illegal."

She added, "You've gotta have places for them to eat and sleep and breathe fresh air. It can be a tent city ... You don't want to make them too comfortable or they'll want to come back."

Funny, I feel that way about teabaggers. Let's round 'em all up and drop them into the middle of Kansas, in tent cities, because we don't want them too comfortable or they'll want to multiply.

The acrid odor of hate oozes from her words onto my screen. Republicans -- teabaggers in particular -- are intentionally using immigration as a way to stoke up race hate in advance of the midterms, hoping that it will distract from the real issue, which is their systematic destruction of our economy when they had power, and their hope to be able to tear down what progress has been made in the last two years.

Here's Baker's list of reasons -- verbatim -- for why she's targeting illegal immigration, with my notes in italics behind them.

1. They have chosen to ignore our laws. Our country has laws governing the admittance of foreigners into our country including checking for communicable diseases. Illegals have chosen to ignore these laws, which protect the legal citizens. Teabaggers are anti-vax, as a rule. Unpatriotic anti-vaxxers, who choose to ignore the safety of ALL citizens, legal and illegal alike. Put teabaggers in camps so they can share their disease and protect LEGAL citizens who care enough to protect other citizens from easily-prevented diseases.

2. Illegal weapons trade While we're at it, let's toss all those gun nuts who sell guns at gun shows without proper permits to people who have absolutely no business with a weapon that can hurt anyone else. Also? Reagan traded weapons illegally. Iran/Contra, remember? Oh, lookee here. A gun bust in Oklahoma, involving a guy named Wooten (now deceased) and an Oklahoma State Bureau of Narcotics with a Hispanic name still a legal citizen. Guess what he was doing? Running AK-47s INTO Mexico. There's some illegal weapons trade for ya.

3. Prostitution I'll pretend I don't see the white hookers on the corner near where I live next time I drive that way.

4. Drug trade Wow, check this out. Drug busts in Georgia today netted 69 arrests. Over here, a big bust of two marijuana growers -- Ray Deal Piper and Christopher Allen Roach. There's some Hispanic names for ya. And over in an exclusive area in South Carolina, a $12 million dollar seizure of heroin and other drugs (but no arrests yet). Neighbors are horrified that such things would happen in "a community like this.")

Yeah, rounding up all those poor people will certainly take care of the drug trade.

5. And more Yes? What more? Please, do tell.

Our lives, our sovereignty and our national security are at stake.

Yes, they are, mostly because of people like Marg Baker.

These people make my lip curl.

h/t (The Political Carnival)

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