[h/t Heather]
Now that conservatives have acknowledged that the War on Obamacare is all but lost, they're doing their level best to discourage people from getting the facts about it, which is why Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear is a breath of fresh air in what are otherwise stale and boring hours of talking points on the Sunday shows.
Suddenly conservatives are very, very concerned about costs going up because young people won't want to enroll. You know the spiel, they've been hammering it for years now. If I were a young person I'd be insulted that these controlling, greedy SOBs think they have a clue what I might be thinking, but maybe actions speak louder than words.
Here's some fact-based reality for the ACA haters, from a governor in a Southern Red State:
In Kentucky, about a third of folks going on Medicaid and getting qualified health care plans are under 35 years old. That's what's going to happen around this country. People are going to sign up for this. it will take a while to get it in process, but I guarantee we'll make it work because it's good for the American people.
I see a conversation to have here, but it's not the one about young people not signing up. It's the one where we talk about income inequality and how young people's opportunities are being squeezed away by greedy employers who don't pay a living wage. What it's not about is whether young people see any value to having access to health care. Clearly they do, and clearly they want to participate.
Let's start having the other conversation about income inequality. The junk about the Affordable Care Act coming from the right wing now is just the death rattles of a disastrous campaign.