March 5, 2013

AFP state director Jennifer Stefano at CPAC2012 - h/t Heather

Americans for Prosperity, the Koch-funded astroturf gang, had a Big Conference Call Monday evening to discuss their Super Seekrit Strategy for defeating the Medicaid expansion in Pennsylvania. Here's their invitation:

AFP-PA will be hosting a brief, 20 minute conference call this coming Monday at 8:30PM. Governor Corbett and the Legislature have been HAMMERED by the left to expand Medicaid in PA. We need to counter their efforts immediately. During this call, we will be laying out a four-day call bomb strategy that will make it very clear that we stand with Governor Corbett in not expanding Medicaid, while also pressuring key legislatures to support HR269. This bill would codify and make permanent the Governors decision to not expand Medicaid in Pennsylvania. You must sign-up in order to receive the access code for the call. This is necessary because we cannot risk someone from the left sneaking onto our call and hearing the strategy.

Everyone who signs up will receive detailed instructions and the access codes at noon on Monday. There will also be a second email sent out at 8:00PM on Monday with a final reminder and the access codes. Please sign-up for this call and reach out to a few friends and invite them to also sign-up. This is how we organize, and we need to organize to WIN.

Jennifer Stefano, our State Director, will lead the call and Matt Hissey, our Grassroots Director, will answer any questions at the end.

Ah, yes. Jennifer Stefano, the potty-mouthed self-proclaimed Emmy-nominated TV reporter who just "happened upon" a Tea Party rally in 2009 and eventually landed herself in the state director's seat for Americans for Prosperity in Pennsylvania after a few key Fox News appearances. How grassrootsy.

AFP's efforts are intended to deny health care to 542,000 uninsured and poor residents of Pennsylvania so billionaires can buy another bauble for their wife. It's disgusting to see these people actually organize their astroturf in order to deny people the right to have access to affordable health care.

In Florida, their efforts were rewarded Monday with a key House subcommittee voting to block Governor Rick Scott's decision to expand Medicaid into that state. The Florida legislature has a Republican supermajority, so the only question to be answered is whether or not Rick Scott will acquiesce to their cruelty or veto it.

I think we all know the answer to that. They've given him the political cover he needs with that bill, just as the Pennsylvania legislature will do for Governor Tom Corbett. A few dying residents won't matter to these people, because the only pity they have in their hearts is for the billionaires.

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