Ohio Daily Blog: Who’s lying about early voting in Ohio?
Eclecta Blog: Who’s trying to stop a ballot measure enshrining collective bargaining rights in the Michigan constitution?
Demos: Who’s buying the 2012 election?
Economist’s View: Who’s getting “socialized medicine” in America?
Speaking of which, your quote of the day: "Sometimes you wonder, would there be some way to introduce some private sector competition, somebody else that could come in and say, you know each soldier gets X thousand dollars attributed to them and then they can choose whether they want to go on the government system or the private system and then it follows them, like what happens with schools in Florida where they have a voucher that follows them, who knows." (Mitt Romney, November 11, 2011)
Send your tips, recommendations, comments and angst to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.