Remember this confrontation?
Chris Matthews attacks Alan Grayson and accuses him of pandering to the netroots because he believes the reconciliation process can be used to get a health care bill passed.
MATTHEWS: This is the problem, Congressman. Every night we deal with two worlds, the real world of Congress that has to do things and get things passed, and this outside world represented by the netroots and people like yourself, who play this game.
GRAYSON: What are you talking about? I sit in meetings with the Democratic caucus with meetings every week! I’m telling you, this is what we’re talking about. This is what the leadership is telling us.
MATTHEWS: We’ll make a side bet that it’s not going to happen. Congressman Alan Grayson, a true believer that you can get things done by willing it to get done! [laughs]
I would like to see Chris Matthews publicly concede that Grayson was right during their hotly contested exchange on Hardball in January.
Say it Chris: I was wrong. He was right.
Grayson argued that health care would pass through the reconciliation process. This caused Matthews to launch into a five-minute tirade berating Grayson as an amateur pandering to the netroots. It was classic I-can-yell-louder-than-you, I-can-talk-fast-than-you Matthews on
The bill hasn't been passed yet by the Senate, but it probably will and then we'll see what CM has to say. If anything.
Alan Grayson rules.