I was flipping through the cable TV dial Saturday and came across the latest in religious right Faux outrage. Tom Matzzie was debating a chap from yet another disgruntled right wing group and his outrage was over President Obama being asked to speak at Notre Dame. He's so upset that Notre Dame would ask President Obama to speak there. Isn't it funny that these same people had no problem when France's President Sarkozy received an honorary award by the Vatican and the Pope even though he's pro-choice? Their hypocrisy knows no limits.
Tom Matzzie joins us on C&L and writes about his appearance and the phony meme.
Tom Matzzie:
Yes, I went on FOX--but I did it to support Notre Dame.
Over the last few weeks some self-appointed watchdogs of Catholic colleges and universities have taken after the University of Notre Dame for inviting Barack Obama to address the commencement of graduating seniors this Spring. I am an alumnus of Notre Dame and
co-founder of www.wesupportnotredame.org. I want on FOX--something I have a general policy of not doing--because I wanted to stand up to
these extremists attacking Notre Dame.
The argument the Right is making is that Notre Dame shouldn't host
Barack Obama, the president of the United States, because he is pro-choice even while the president has pledged to implement policies that will reduce the need for abortion. You know, family planning, support for adoption, support for single moms...progressive stuff. One point I brought up, which hasn't been in the mainstream, is that the Vatican in the person of Pope Benedict gave an honorary title--an award--to the pro-choice president of France, Nicholas Sarkozy, in December 2007.
Sarkozy visited Pope Benedict XVI on 20 December 2007, and formally received the title of Honorary Chanoine of the Basilica of St. John Lateran...
Here is a photo of Sarkozy and the pope together--its worth passing around.
The groups attacking Notre Dame are an extremists fringe of Catholics--backed mostly by Religious Right Evangelical Protestant groups.
Does Tom mean they aren't even Catholics? What a shock. And as C&Lers know, I grew up a Catholic so I say, good for Notre Dame.