(h/t Down with Tyranny for the graphic.) [media id=9148] I've been asking members of Congress if they would forego their August recess to make sur
July 27, 2009

John Amato Jeff Merkley_bd46b.jpg

(h/t Down with Tyranny for the graphic.)

I've been asking members of Congress if they would forego their August recess to make sure health care won't get left behind. Why shouldn't republicans and democrats work instead of taking a holiday? Since I asked President Obama if he should demand that Congress stay in DC to work on health care in August the media has picked it up too and now we're getting statements from Congress saying they would work instead of taking a holiday.

I asked Blue America's Sen. Jeff Merkley (OR) if he would give up the August recess to make sure legislation gets done. Here's his reply:

"I'm committed to passing health care reform and I'm extremely concerned that the window of opportunity is starting to close. Anything that can speed up Senate deliberation is valuable. And if keeping the Senate in session in August can move the bill forward, I'm absolutely committed to being here."

Sen. Merkley is committed to reforming health care and he now joins the list of members who have said they will work in August. Thanks so much Senator.

Senator Wyden

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Rep. James Clyburn

Sen. Jeff Merkley

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