May 15, 2010

Sarah Palin takes her circus act back in the road and hits the NRA for yet another bronco busting vitriolic act.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin warned NRA members Friday that President Barack Obama wants to gut the Second Amendment and told a separate gathering that "mama grizzlies" will help Republicans win this November, sweeping away the Democratic agenda.

Palin, a potential 2012 presidential candidate, told National Rifle Association members during their annual meeting that the only thing stopping Obama and his Democratic allies from trying to ban guns is political backlash.

"Don't doubt for a minute that, if they thought they could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and gut the Second Amendment," said Palin, a lifelong NRA member who once had a baby shower at a local gun range in Alaska. "It's the job of all of us at the NRA and its allies to stop them in their tracks."Gun enthusiasts have trumpeted fears that their rights would erode under a Democrat-led White House and Congress, but President Barack Obama has largely been silent on issues such as reviving an assault weapons ban or strengthening background checks at gun shows. Obama also signed a law allowing people to carry loaded guns in national parks... read on ...

This is just what we need: Another Republican flamethrower sending messages to gun cranks and anti-government paranoids. Has she started reading the news yet? If she did, then she could have come across a freedom fighting gun lover like Richard Poplawski, who executed three police officers in Pittsburgh. His delusions are driven by right-wing gun fanatics spewing lies which manifested itself in murder because, as he saw it, "Obama wanted to take away his guns."

Richard Andrew "Pop" Poplawski's ex-girlfriend said he dragged her by the hair and threatened to shoot her. He slept with a gun under his pillow in a basement room filled with firearms and ammunition, convinced that Jews controlled the media and President Obama was scheming to take away his arsenal, friends and relatives said Saturday

She included so many other lies in her speech, but I don't have the energy to debunk them all. Who does?

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