Conservatives have thrown away the dog whistle and are just yelling ni&^er, ni&^er, ni&^er to the public now. My God, it's sickening. Rush Limbaugh and his cohorts have degenerated into racist clown acts to try and gin up more support for golden plates Romney. Media Matters:
Limbaugh: "Moochelle Obama" Is Campaigning With "NBA Players And Others" To Rally "The Base, The Black Vote Base"
But if asked what one thing about the 2012 campaign most impacted everyday American life, one answer stands out above all others: racism. The wink-wink racial coding Romney uses, combined with the unabashed racism [5] of such surrogates [6] as former Bush administration chief of staff John Sununu [7], adds up to quite a wash of race-baited waters over the campaign. Then add to that the steady stream of racist rhetoric that characterized the Republican presidential primary campaign, and the wash looks more like a stew set on simmer for the better part of a year.
Since the early months of 2011, our politics have been marinating in the language of racial hatred, whether in former U.S. senator Rick Santorum’s “blah people [8]” moment, or former House speaker Newt Gingrich’s tarring of Barack Obama as “the food stamp president [9].”
Whether Obama wins or loses, new territory has been broken for the 21st century with the rhetoric of the Republican presidential campaign. Sure, it may seem like we’ve been here before, but the difference is that this time, it’s happening after we thought we had gotten past this level of racial hatred. But if Romney claims victory, having run on such a strategy, a new level of legitimacy will be conferred on the politics of race-baiting.
As Mark Thompson, host of the SiriusXM radio program, Make it Plain [10], said to me, “If they’re allowed to win this way, I shudder to think what happens next.”
Adele is so right. We've been reporting on all the racism conservatives have drowned themselves in ever since Obama began his run at the oval office and then was amped up for this election cycle and it's totally and utterly disgusting. Check out some of the stories here. Can you actually pick only five that turn your stomach? Many have been looking at the US map and re-imagining the country in 1860. Unfortunately it fits all too well.
Perhaps the most difficult thing about covering the 2012 election has been how unremittingly boring it has been. That would be the other side of the pole. Racism and mendacity rendered mind-numblingly routine and monotonous through repetition. Depressingly commonplace.
As I write this, some prognosticators of the electoral map predict one that echoes the map of the Union and Confederate states in the Civil War -- a war that has never been quite settled [15] in the minds of many Southerners, a war that was fought over whether states had the right to declare black Americans as something less than human and therefore subject to ownership by whites.
Whoever wins the presidency on Tuesday, America faces a long road ahead in the rebuilding of relations
between the races, thanks to the destruction we permitted when the Tea Party came to town.
We could not stop the tea party from rising, but we have educated Americans to what they are. If Obama wins the racism will only increase until it has an adverse effect on the GOP. If not then they will continue to divide this country on issues of race and gender for a very long time with Limbaugh acting as the chief blowhard of them all.