Enough time has gone by so now right wing bloggers and pundits will try to rewrite George Bush's disasterous presidency. Jennifer Rubin, the Benghazite of the Washington Post--who sometimes reminds me of a conservative comic--omits a few key moments in history to make believe he really wasn't that bad after all in her piece titled, Bush Is Back:
It took less than 4 1/2 years of the Obama presidency for President George W. Bush to mount his comeback. While doing absolutely nothing on his own behalf (he’s been the most silent ex-president in my lifetime), his approval is up to 47 percent according to The Post/ABC poll. That’s up 14 points from his final poll in office. For comparison’s sake President Obama’s RCP average is a tad over 49 percent.
Why the shift? Aside from the “memories fade” point, many of his supposed failures are mild compared to the current president (e.g. spending, debt). Unlike Obama’s tenure, there was no successful attack on the homeland after 9/11. People do remember the big stuff — rallying the country after the Twin Towers attack, 7 1/2 years of job growth and prosperity, millions of people saved from AIDS in Africa, a good faith try for immigration reform, education reform and a clear moral compass.
And, it turned out that the triumvirate of Iraq-Iran-North Korea really was the Axis of Evil. Unlike the current president, who’s played politics with the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, President Bush took huge political risks to back the surge in Iraq, which worked. He is responsible for one of the most popular and fiscally sober entitlement plans, Medicare Part D. He did not foist a grandiose unpopular and exorbitant program like Obamacare on the public. And then there were his tax cuts, 99 percent of which were approved by the most liberal president in history. Even the TARP program, reviled by conservatives, can be credited with helping to calm the markets and stabilize financial institutions.
Apparently, 9/11 actually happening under George Bush doesn't count to Rubin as not protecting America from terrorist attacks. Yes, she went there. She's part of a long line of new Bush 9/11 deniers. And not a mention about Bush starting a tragic war against Iraq based on lies and deceptions which cost the US military thousands of lost lives and many more disabled vets as well as killing thousands of innocent civilians.
Now let's get to his tax cuts and his unpaid wars, which accounted for a great deal of the federal debt that conservatives whine about all day long. The only reason Bush's economy survived as long as it did was because of the criminal mortgage practices that pumped money into the housing bubble throughout the country until it collapsed, putting most of the world at risk of financial ruin. Millions of people lost their homes to the crash and all their worldy belongings, along with millions more without jobs while the financial barons pocketed nice little bonuses. But those who lost most are the ones now considered moochers by the conservative class of which she is a part. But see, in Rubinland, Bush is just so wonderful because he proposed the TARP bailout. Hahaha.
Hey, he’s not so bad! In fact, to some degree his qualities and accomplishments were taken for granted. Only when we see a robotic, cold president like Obama do we remember fondly the tender, tearful love of country Bush often conveyed and the steely anger directed at our enemies.
She praises Bush because he used the Glenn Beck/Boehner tears of a clown routine to make us believe he loves our freedoms so very much. I can't write any more on this, but some of our friends can.
Shorter Designated Republican Stenographer Jennifer Rubin: “George Bush was the greatest. With notably rare exceptions, there were no terrorist attacks on the American homeland when George W. Bush was president. And hundreds of thousands dead and trillions of dollars spent attacking a country that posed no threat whatsoever to the United States is nothing compared to the horrors of the deficit. And don’t kid yourself, George W. Bush hated deficits. You think there would be unfunded wars or corporate boondoggles* with him in the White House? Please.” *Verbatim Jen Rubin: “He is responsible for one of the most popular and fiscally sober entitlement plans, Medicare Part D.” I swear. This is performance art, right? Almost every line could be a “verbatim” bit.
An honorable mention of quackery goes to C&L Idiot Pundit Ron Fournier for fawning all over Bush because he was nice to him in his post called: Go Ahead, Admit It: George W. Bush Is a Good Man
Go read and find out why we're all saps for not understanding what a great guy Bush was.