President Obama made a surprise visit to Iraq to see the troops and tell them Iraq must stand up for itself.
Cheered wildly by U.S. troops, President Barack Obama flew unannounced into Iraq on Tuesday and promptly declared it is time for Iraqis "take responsibility for their country" after America's commitment of six years and thousands of lives. "You have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country," the president said as he made a brief inspection of a war he opposed as candidate and now vows to end as commander in chief. "That is an extraordinary achievement."
I'm sure the troops were glad to see a president that has the confidence of the American people and one who is looked on with great respect. They know he wants to get them out of the meat grinder and back to their families. The right wingnutosphere is very agitated that the troops responded so well to their new commander in chief. It's his duty to be there front and center to wind down the greatest folly George Bush perpetrated on the world.
Poor Malkin is doing her best to perfect the conservative whine. They should bottle it and sell it to themselves.
I can only imagine the scorn the Left would heap on President Bush if this had been his trip (drive-by visit! dog-and-pony show! holed up on a military base instead of getting out among the people! bad weather? b.s.!)
If he didn't visit the troops then they would be saying that he didn't respect them.
And Joe Gandleman reports that:
So far no news of shoe throwing.