May 19, 2009

Norm Coleman just won't go away, so we're trying to help him see the errors of his ways.

The PCCC's campaign has been a blast. It's an action that asks: Would you give a dollar a day to make Norm go away?

So far the liberal blogosphere has donated over $95,000 to help defeat Coleman.

Over the weekend Norm got punk'd by local progressives supporting this movement. I laughed when I heard him say that he's just trying to make people have more "confidence in the system." Yeah, right, Loserman. We believe that, and we're showing you by donating to get you OUT.

Adam Green explains:

Fun news. Yesterday in Minnesota, Norm Coleman thought he was being greeted by supporters outside a local Republican event.

But instead, Coleman came face-to-face with the fact that his insistence on being a sore loser has raised over $90,000 to help progressives defeat Republicans in 2010 -- thanks to the "Dollar a Day to Make Norm Go Away" campaign the PCCC recently launched with Howard Dean's Democracy for America.

It's all caught on video -- check it out! on

And he signed it: "Senator Norm Coleman." C&L and others are planning an action against Tim Pawlenty next.

Republican obstructionism has gone on far too long, especially in Minnesota.


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