[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jAx7EEL-gv4" width="420" height="255" resize="1" fid="21"]
If you don't know, Memeorandum is a blogger news aggregator. I check it out occasionally even if it does lean right. On Tuesday their top story was some explosive new coverup during Obama's second inaugural speech. Wait for it...Beyoncé lip-synched the Star Spangled Banner at the inauguration — The wingnutosphere went ballistic.
After embarrassing themselves with the Bengahzi/Watergate comparisons, wingnuts have moved on to attack lip-synchers. Aretha Franklin laughs at this idiocy. I don't understand why Memeorandum focuses in on wingnut conspiracy theories so much, but that's their right.
I'm just shocked that Hillary Clinton wasn't questioned on this by Rand Paul.