If you don't know, Memeorandum is a blogger news aggregator. I check it out occasionally even if it does lean right. On Tuesday their top story was some explosive new coverup during Obama's second inaugural speech. Wait for it...Beyoncé
January 23, 2013

[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jAx7EEL-gv4" width="420" height="255" resize="1" fid="21"]

If you don't know, Memeorandum is a blogger news aggregator. I check it out occasionally even if it does lean right. On Tuesday their top story was some explosive new coverup during Obama's second inaugural speech. Wait for it...Beyoncé lip-synched the Star Spangled Banner at the inauguration — The wingnutosphere went ballistic.

After embarrassing themselves with the Bengahzi/Watergate comparisons, wingnuts have moved on to attack lip-synchers. Aretha Franklin laughs at this idiocy. I don't understand why Memeorandum focuses in on wingnut conspiracy theories so much, but that's their right.

I'm just shocked that Hillary Clinton wasn't questioned on this by Rand Paul.

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