April 1, 2010

The RNC has done it again.

The Republican National Committee inadvertently sent a fundraising mail piece earlier this month with a return number that leads to a phone sex line offering to connect callers with "hot horny girls … students, housewives, and working girls from all over the country."

“We love nasty talk as much as you do,” says a woman’s voice on the sex-line’s audio recording.

Doug Heye, the RNC’s communications director, said that the mail piece was produced by Burch Munford Direct, a direct-mail firm frequently used by the RNC.

According to Heye, the firm “will not be used for the foreseeable future.”

Heye said that the mix-up happened when the direct mail firm replaced the RNC’s “202” area code with an “800” area code.

So, instead of directing callers to the RNC’s main line (which is 202-863-8500), the mailer incorrectly identified the RNC’s phone number as 800-863-8500.

Here's a link to their mailer. The RNC is a laugh a minute. I kind of wonder how many Republican donors called the sex line by mistake and then ran up some extra phone charges because they had a good time.

Even Newt Gingrich is mocking the RNC at this point.

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