Be warned, FOX News stupidity Alert!
Bill O'Reilly never has liberals fill in for him when he takes a vacation, so I was surprised to see Juan Williams in the anchor chair Wednesday night. And then I asked myself: Self, why am I surprised? Williams is BillO's chief apologist night in and night out and he would make a good little conservative talk show host in a pickle. And he did. Well, there were none of the Talking Points Memo segment that opens up The Factor every night because they probably didn't trust Juan to deliver them with the proper hateful spin, but he easily tried to do a BillO imitation the rest of the show.
It was quite hilarious listening to him stiffly yell about taxes being raised by the evil Obamanites. And then came Bernie Goldberg. They were both so appalled that CBS' Scott Pelley wouldn't invite any global warming deniers on his Global Warming special. Juan said: Not a single one. The horror, I say. And then Bernie went off on his new affirmative action plan.
Goldberg: I came up with a plan and it's a brilliant plan. Every white person in America who thinks that affirmative action is a good thing and it makes America a better place, voluntarily gives up his and her jobs immediately, right now on one and only one condition. That they be replaced by somebody who isn't white. That way, by tomorrow or the next day we'd have a lot more Blacks, a lot more Hispanics, a lot more other minorities in very important positions....
Juan: Bernie, hold on. Aren't you mocking the seriousness of this because to my mind look,....but the fact is doors have been closed, Bernie.
Listen, we have an ugly racial least my plan is addressing liberal, white liberal hypocrisy because when I put this plan.(blah, blah, blah) White liberals don't want to pay a price. They only want to dole out their racial goodies.
Can Goldberg tell us the number of white liberals who have or have not got a job in part because of affirmative action? Of course not. Conservatives were the only people targeted. Oy.
Bernie, your stupidity knows no bounds. I won't waste any time writing about how offensive his statements are because there are so many other implications to the rest of his rant. You can do that in the comments. And Williams couldn't even muster much of a response to Bernie's nonsensical whim other than, doors have been closed...because he was waist deep in being a conservative commentator. Go, Juan, go!