When I read this story I almost puked.
When asked, Sen. Michael Bennet either "doesn't know" if he supports The Employee Free Choice Act or "hasn't decided" yet. Truly amazing. Bennet, who, you'll recall, was appointed to the Senate by Gov. Bill Ritter (D-CO) to replace Sen. Salazar, hasn't had to be accountable to the people of Colorado so I guess doesn't see any reason to ruffle any feathers by actually taking a stand on one of the most important pieces of legislation he's likely to vote on in the coming year.
Great work by Darcy and CO-06 challenger David Canter for applying pressure on Bennet and the entire Colorado congressional delegation to come out strongly and vocally in support of The Employee Free Choice Act.
The thing is, this really shouldn't be difficult or controversial. This is, as Darcy says, about the basic rights of workers to organize. EFCA is a bill that passed the House in 2005 and 2007 on a bi-partisan basis.
How can a Democratic member of Congress, (even if they were appointed because of a cabinet post) have no idea where they stand on EFCA? It's a joke. Big business does not want workers to unionize. It really is that simple. The unions helped make this country a great one. Sen. Michael Bennet should be ashamed of himself.
And it's clear that every vote will be needed this go-around, so Bennet's dilly-dallying just gives the Republican hardcases aid and comfort.
It's so nice to see Darcy Burner step up to the plate. This bill is a must. It gives workers the choice on how to unionize and not the employer. Again, it's that simple. There's no mystery about it. Republicans hate unions and they will do what they always do: Whine and Obstruct. Please go here and sign the petition.
Orrin Hatch will probably have a staged heart attack on Hardball just to emphasize how much he hates unions. He's already said it will destroy American civilization, so I imagine he's working on his method acting chops.
In a time when unions are outraged with Democrats for their pro-immigration policies, big labor has launched an unprecedented lobbying campaign to force workers into unions. Labor unions are supposed to protect workers’ rights, yet union bosses want Congress to pass a law that actually robs workers of their democratic right to a private ballot.
That's an outright lie and he will continue to lie about it.
The Republicans are well aware that stopping unionization is an imperative. They are the party which represents the owners of America above all others. (So are Democrats, mind you, just to a lesser degree because their coalition is much broader, which may also be why they are suddenly having a hard time putting together enough votes for this legislation now that it could actually be signed.) They are readying a full court freak-out --- if you think Rush's caterwauling about socialism and Stalin is bad now, just wait.
The Republicans are always going to stage a hissy fit on this, no matter what, so there's no point in trying to find "the right time." They have signaled that they have no intention of cooperating on any legislation that doesn't only benefit rich people it's useless trying to bargain either. In for a penny and all that rot. Might as well do it while the doing is possible.
Please go here and sign the petition.
Progressive congressional candidate David Canter (CO-06) called on every member of the Colorado delegation to endorse the Employee Free Choice Act. Can you add your voice to the cause by signing this petition today?