[media id=6614] I know David Neiwert did a post on this segment already, but I had to chime in for a minute. First of all, notice how Wolf fawns al
October 20, 2008

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I know David Neiwert did a post on this segment already, but I had to chime in for a minute. First of all, notice how Wolf fawns all over Joe the Plumber? OK, the real problem I have is this: Why do I have to see Beck on CNN's most serious political show (The Situation Room) at all? What value does he add? His whole purpose was to try and make it seem like Obama is as bad as McCain. They already have segments devoted to ideologues already.

When he stares into the camera to give America and McCain advice it practically burns out my eye sockets.

BECK: Yes. No, I don't think he -- I don't think he did.

I mean, I thought he was good, but he had to be Ronald Reagan. And he's just not Ronald Reagan. And he's not -- look, he needs somebody to be able to look into the camera and be able to say, America, I get it. You don't trust me, you don't trust him, and the reason why is because we've been lying to you the whole time.

This whole government has been telling you half-truths and nontruths for long enough. So look, here's the bad news: Blah, blah, blah. And here's exactly what I'm going to do, and I mean what I say.

If he could have connected with the American audience -- -- and also, neither of them -- you know, the Republicans need to police the Republicans and the Democrats need to police the Democrats. They need to get the bad ones out, the ones who are involved in scandal and double talk and everything else. People need to unite.

CNN, free us from Glenn Beck!

Stop, it hurts!

Can you help us out?

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