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When Greg Gutfeld popped onto the scene of Fox News he instantly tried to sell himself as a male Ann Coulter impersonator issuing out insults to liberals at a rapid fire pace. He's the Ken Doll model. Greg once was at the helm of Maxim UK, but didn't last there after the mag lost sixteen percent of its readers and then got sued. He stayed around the publishing industry for a while though. After I saw him do his thing as a guest on Fox, I knew Roger Ailes would find something for him to do over and he was later handed a late night show called Red Eye. And as usual to his particular form of humor sarcasm, liberals remained the butt of his jokes. That's fine, have a good time with it. Although Canada didn't care much for him belittling their troops.
There's something about kids and conservatives though. It drives them nuts if they appear to be linked to anything progressive. A video made as part of the Contract for the American Dream campaign really riled his show up. The idea that progressives want to live in a welfare state, drink brews all day, drive around in pink Cadillacs and never work a day in their lives while living off your tax dollars has been going around since the early days of Ronald Reagan and Tricky Dick, but this segment really turned ugly.
After airing the video -- part of the "Contract for the American Dream" campaign - Fox News contributor KT McFarland said, "These kids are a bunch of dorks." Later, a co-panelist, comedian Joe DeVito, stated of the children, "Those little bastards are making me so angry."
GREG GUTFELD (host): KT, is it OK for -- to use kids to sell a political agenda? Or does it come off as crass to you?
McFARLAND: I think that just -- the more we see of this, the better. These kids are a bunch of dorks. I grew up -- I grew up in the era when the libs were supposed to be the cool guys. They were having, you know, the pool parties where everyone was getting thrown in. I was a Republican -- I was, like, you know, like, the little White House thing, and everybody [inaudible] had their Peter Pan collars. These guys are a bunch of dorks. I mean, that looks like it's something that the good old Republicans had put out for the state fair.
GUTFELD: That's an interesting point. So you're saying it's almost reversed it now, where the left has become the right in terms of earnestness and humorlessness, that now it is almost rebellious to be on the other side. I didn't think of it that way, KT, but that's why you are here. And Joe, that's why you're not here. What do you make of this, Joe? I saw you - I saw you tearing up. I thought you might have liked it.
DeVITO: I did, because those little bastards are making me so angry that -- this video reminded me of -- the other night you were talking about the interview with Gwyneth Paltrow.
DeVITO: And you could not make a parody that would hits the points better than what they're actually putting out there. This was so -- I am glad they are calling it the "dream," because you are dreaming if you think this stuff is going to work. A couple of the points - free medical coverage like in other advanced countries -- like Greece and England, the continental model we're supposed to be so jealous of. Pony rides -- not on the list.
Why such hatred of the children? It's really odd. Bash the group and politics, but when conservatives use children in ads we don't attack the child actor. It's just creepy.
I'll never really quite understand how conservatives get so much joy in punching down instead of punching up. Always picking on someone smaller than themselves.
That's what bullies do.