April 1, 2010

Michael Steele's handling of the RNC has even got him in trouble with James Dobson's political group, and now they are telling their members to stop giving their hard-earned cash, since the RNC is spending it on sex clubs.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council and an influential social conservative, is urging his members to stop giving money to the Republican National Committee, POLITICO has learned.

"I've hinted at this before, but now I am saying it: Don't give money to the RNC," Perkins will tell FRC members in the group's next e-mail newsletter. "If you want to put money into the political process, and I encourage you to do so, give directly to candidates who you know reflect your values."

Perkins' move comes two days after it was disclosed that the committee spent nearly $2,000 at a lesbian bondage club near Los Angeles — a revelation that has revived Republican griping about Chairman Michael Steele and the national party.

"This latest incident is another indication to me the RNC is completely tone-deaf to the values and concerns of a large number of people they are seeking financial support from," Perkins writes.

Maybe he thinks he scares the religious right too. Michael could make my day by going on FOX News and telling Tony Perkins to kiss his ass, STFU and get with the program. Now that's something I might pay to see.

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