On FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Convervakrat Evah Bayh joined hard-right fanatic Tom "Dr. No" Coburn and echoed his conservative principles and renewed his opposition to universal health care for America.
It's really sad that a man rumored to be a VP pick is using the tired right wing talking points that the government can't do anything effectively and he had the frakkin' nerve to bring in the Hannity-Beck line calling everything in sight "socialism" to describe Obama's fiscal beliefs. Is he seriously a member of the Democratic Party? He's against any form of nationalism of the banking industry and wins the coveted "C&L Propaganda Spoon" befitting a FOX Talker when he called universal health care socialized medicine.
Bayh: Some action in the crisis was called for, that's in the short run. In the long run though we've got to start unwinding some of these things. We don't want the government in the business of owning our banks. We don't want the government intruding any more than it has to in the private sector so we've got to start reversing some of this once the momentum is in the economy to grow the economy once again to stabilize situations and I do agree with Tom, when it comes to health care we don't want "socialized medicine," but there is an appropriate role for government to expand coverage, to make it more affordable for people who don't have the means and that actually enables to meet the challenges....
Evan Good Bye should be a regular on Hannity's Great America panel. He'd fit in like a glove. Good Bye was very outspoken against President Obama's budget and is setting up a Blue Dog caucus of his own in the Senate. That's just what we need, failed conservative economic principles at a critical time in our history.
Bayh, a leading contender to be Obama’s running mate last year, was one of only two Democrats to vote against the president’s budget. He also has formed a 15-member group of centrist Senate Democrats called the Moderate Dems Working Group.
“I’ve been a fiscal conservative throughout my career. It’s nothing personal to the president, “ Bayh said. "In the short run, I agree with the president. We do need to stimulate the economy. The government needs to step in… In the long run, I think the deficits and the debt are too high. We need to get those under control. So that was the reason for my vote there."