May 17, 2009


If you were to look at Drudge's homepage yesterday, it would look like the student wearing the T-shirt that says: "Please don't ruin my graduation. Support '09 Commencement" is opposed to President Obama speaking at Notre Dame today.


Students hold signs, wear shirts denouncing protest methods

"I want to put out positive, supportive message instead of these gory images," Baldridge said. "Our graduation shouldn't be a soapbox."

Seniors Matt Degnan and Sawyer Negro stood at Notre Dame Ave. and Angela Blvd. Friday with about 10 other students and faculty members in shirts designed by Degnan that said "Obama? Fine by me" and "Please don't ruin my graduation. Support '09 Commencement."

Drudge is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Well, I guess he always has.

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