Donald Trump is causing mild hysteria in the media since he's become the King Birther with possible plans to run for president. Many are panning him, but Charles Krauthammer, who believes he's the conscience of conservatives, is taking him very
April 19, 2011

Donald Trump is causing mild hysteria in the media since he's become the King Birther with possible plans to run for president. Many are panning him, but Charles Krauthammer, who believes he's the conscience of conservatives, is taking him very seriously and didn't hold back about his feeling for the Donald on Fox's Special Report with Brett Baier.

As I watched Krauthammer, I was surprised at how afraid and nervous Donald was making him -- especially the thought of Trump running as an independent.

"Then there is Trump," he continued. "Trump is Al Sharpton of the Republican Party - provocateur and clown, unserious. I think he's going to harm the party if he runs for the same reason Sharpton harmed the Democrats. I can now see all the mail coming in - address it to me, not to Bret. He is not responsibility - which means in the debate he will be up there I think he will run, not just a trial run. He'll be up in the debate, and like Sharpton he will monopolize discussion and draw it away on issues that are irrelevant like Obama's birth and that can only hurt the party."

I guess Krauthammer figures that calling Trump 'the Al Sharpton of the GOP' will shake up the base out of their Trump trance, since Sharpton is the epitome of the Evil Black Politician to those folks, but it won't. Trump is doing very well very well in GOP polls for God's sake and that's probably what got his freak on. Sharpton never came close to winning a poll in 2004.

And it shows you how fractured and unstable the base voters of the GOP are at this point to even be considering a man like Trump. It's also a reflection of the quality of the candidates the GOP has to choose from at this point. Well, when almost 50% of registered voters believe Obama is not an American, it's not hard to understand why Trump is doing well in the minds of conservatives:

Nearly half of usual Republican primary voters in Iowa think President Obama was not born in the United States, while barely one-quarter believe he was, according to a PPP poll released on Tuesday.

In the poll, 48% of registered Republican voters said Obama was not born in the U.S., while 26% said he was. Additionally, 26% said they were unsure.

That percentage is actually slightly better than the national average for typical Republican primary voters, a majority of whom believe Obama was born outside the U.S. In February, a PPP poll found that 51% of registered Republican voters said Obama was not born in the U.S., compared to 28% who said he was, and 21% who were unsure.

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