(Post updated with video.)
Barney Frank wants the names of the people that received the bonuses from AIG. Liddy tried to make it a confidential list and Frank refused even after Liddy read off a few death threats from a piece of paper.
Where did Liddy get the two death threats that he read to Barney Frank? Rep. Frank wants those names, period so Liddy played the fear card and said he was worried about their safety and then read two "death threats."
Barney said he understood the hostility out there, but would subpoena him for them anyway. Where did Liddy get those threats? Were they letters, were they emails, comments on blogs or message boards?
Welcome to our world. I've received many death threats just for writing my blog and if he thinks a few unhinged comments will put the brakes on those names, he's sadly mistaken.
The hearing continues...Open thread on his testimony.