[media id=7208] During a debate about Rush Limbaugh's influence on the GOP and Phil Gingrey's boot licking apology for crossing the almighty Rushbo,
January 28, 2009

During a debate about Rush Limbaugh's influence on the GOP and Phil Gingrey's boot licking apology for crossing the almighty Rushbo, Dick Armey, former GOP leader with Newt proved the point that Limbaugh's piggish views are the benchmark for conservatives when he insulted Joan Walsh as they debated the stimulus package. As she was making an informed argument, Armey started interrupting her as is typical with Republicans who never want to take any responsibility for their destructive policies that almost destroyed America, but really lost it with this exchange.

Walsh: Who are the income redistributionists?

Armey: Who, what..

Walsh: Who are the income redistributionists?

Armey: Well the biggest income redistributions was a Republican congresswoman, urr. Senator, but Charlie Rangel cracked me up, Charlie said you guys are giving her things that I wouldn't even ask for.

Armey: I don't want to get into that because then the controversy is that Dick Armey is assaulting somebody. There are income redistribitionsts that think they are going to curry favor with a voting blocks in both parties and it's wrong policy whether it comes Republicans or Democrats, it makes no sense. Armey's axiom. Don't let politics define your economics. Don't let politics define anything. Politics is silly, it's inane. Take what amusements you can from them but don't take them seriously.

Walsh: But this is serious business. The economy is a wreck, (Armey laughs) it's been wrecked by the Bush White House and by Republicans in Congress with a lot of help Democratic help, with ( Armey makes more noises and sighs)

Armey: Oh, give it a rest.

Walsh: President Obama, please stop saying 'give it a rest.' Do you have any anything else to say? President Obama has a mandate for change. (Armey laughs again) Your people have stood in his way. They are standing in his way in Capitol hill right now and Rush Limbaugh is making ridiculous statements and Republicans are crawling to him and groveling. That's the state of our economy and our world right now Rep. Armey and it's sad.

Armey: I'm so glad that you could never be my wife because I surely wouldn't have to listen to that prattle from you every day.

Walsh: Well, wow that makes two of us sir, that was really an outstanding comment...

Armey: Look ma'am, you're talking like a paid political hack making your political points.

Walsh: Am I sir?

Armey: Are we going to talk seriously...

Walsh" No, I actually care about social justice, I care about jobs, I care about the economy.

Not only does Armey whip out the sexist card, he then calls her a paid political hack which is what he was for the Republicans for many, many years. What a creep. He was part of Newt's take over so he sure knows about political hacks. Tweety should have made him stop and apologize right there, but he can't do that to one of the Old Boy's Republican club.

David writes:

In a later segment on the same show, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert called Armey's remark sexist. "Dick Armey was so far out of line in the last segment with his sexist comments and he owes Joan Walsh and your viewers an apology," said Herbert. Chris Matthews, host of Hardball, eventually remarked that Armey's comments were "overboard."

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