[media id=11727] Above video is of the Diaper Dandy giving a presser after he got busted cheating on his wife with the DC Madam in 2007.) Apparently
February 1, 2010

Above video is of the Diaper Dandy giving a presser after he got busted cheating on his wife with the DC Madam in 2007.)

Apparently David 'the Diaper' Vitter thinks we all have bad memories. Just to remind you, he's the Senator of Louisiana and a Mr. Family Values asshat who was caught in the DC Madam's phone book. It was also reported that he likes to wear diapers with his hooker buddies. Not that I'm against diapers mind you, but it doesn't get any creepier than how he uses them. Anyway, he now has come out and called Janet Napolitano "out of touch with reality."

Mr. Vitter's sharpest criticism was directed at Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and her comment after the failed Dec. 25 bombing of a U.S.-bound flight that "the system worked."

"Clearly, those initial comments were crazy," he said during an interview with The Washington Times' "America's Morning News" radio show. "Clearly, she was out of touch with reality."

Mr. Vitter, a conservative facing re-election this year, didn't call for Ms. Napolitano's resignation but said her comments have "eroded confidence" and the decision about whether she remains on the job belongs only to President Obama.

Ms. Napolitano has attempted to clarified her comments by saying she meant that officials were alerted immediately after the bombing attempt and security measure swiftly were put in place.

Still, Mr. Vitter wants Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to give a clearer explanation about who assigned a U.S. lawyer to alleged bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and who authorized reading him Miranda rights.

What Janet said was clearly a mistake after the failed attack, but not a firing offense and for Vitter to say anything about another person's behavior is the old pot-kettle-black deal. I wonder why anyone in the media would ask him for a quote anyway. Ahhh, It was The Washington Times. My bad.

And you know, maybe in conservative-land we're all out of touch with reality because diapers and hookers is the norm for Congressman in the GOP.

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