CNN's Jim Spellman has been following the teabagger express and he's reporting what bloggers and our readers already know. There is a dark fringe, a radical element that makes up the fabric of the teabagger party who believe in wild conspiracy theories and hate Obama because a black man won the election. They can't handle that Bush isn't in the White House. And wasn't it Bush who said that elections have consequences?
Spellman:...we saw handguns from time to time, but running through this subculture that's developed around these tea parties is a bit of a dark undercurrent. The bulk of the people are for lower taxes and less government control, but there really is an element that's go these kind of outlandish conspiracy theories about death camps and about this take over, people comparing President Obama to Hitler. It really is a sizable...It's not just a couple of people around the edges. One of the big questions will be if this movement go forward while maintaining this kind of element on the edges...
At least Spellman is willing to say the truth instead of trying to put a ribbon on it. This isn't something new. It's been around a long, long time, but before the media gave them a platform they only existed in the radical right militia meetings and dark alleys of the wicked. The media is main streaming them into right our homes. They will continue onward unfortunately for America.