(You can click on the graphic to donate)
As you know, I've been very active when it comes to helping elect more and better progressive candidates into Congress and taking political actions on issues I think are hugely important like Financial reform, Education reform, Health care, Gay rights,Civil Rights and campaign finance reform to name a few.
With your help we were able to raise enough money along with Digby and Howie to run thousands of dollars of ads against Blanche Lincoln for months when nobody was covering her and we believe it helped set the stage for Bill Halter's dynamite showing in the AR. primary. Are you ready for a runoff?
The abomination in Arizona is just one example of what I mean and I support the ACLU's lawsuit entirely. We all need to do what we can to overturn this hideous and xenophobic immigration bill that replaces probable cause with reasonable suspicion for law enforcement and has the potential to turn the state and others that are trying to adopt similar legislation virtually into a racial profiling machine. Since one third of this country's population is Latino, 30 percent of the population will be walking around with potential targets on their backs every single moment of every single day. No country calling itself "free" should tolerate it.
I'm asking you to donate to C&L's Fellowship Action Program so I can hire a few great people to raise their progressive voices, do the kind of work you look forward to and keep folks in the media and in Congress honest.
Our call for a boycott in Arizona along with my MLB/Bud Selig action is making a difference already. The country is talking about boycotting Arizona like nobodies business and although Bud Selig is remaining mute about it, but the media is starting to gang up on him and the MLB. I have more in store for Mr. Selig.
This site exists because the mainstream media hasn't lived up to their responsibility to report facts without spin. I'm not saying the whole of journalism has failed us, but enough to warrant these feelings. We've also exposed the outrageous lies being spun by the right wing media machine as good as anyone. Our video archive is second to none and Video Cafe has continued to serve up some of the best video has to offer. Newstaligia has developed into an incredible historical resource and the Late Nite Music Club just rocks. That's why I'm asking you to help.
Please contribute to C&L's Fellowship Action Program. The money will go to supporting C&L's infrastructure, (Our new design is almost done and that means diaries too)) hiring new bloggers to expand our roster, paying the ones we already have including non-writers and to keep the pressure on and push forward towards real progress and real change. Last night we saw what the blogosphere can accomplish yet again.
So please, "Can You Help?"