Breitbart News Hires Plagiarist Senator Rand Paul As Columnist
Media Grills Rand Paul over Plagiarism Charges
November 8, 2013

Senator Rand Paul has undergone a brutal week of recriminations and backtracking talking points as allegations of plagiarism first surfaced on Rachel Maddow's show. Soon after he was dumped by the crazy Moonie Times.
From the Times:

The newspaper and the senator mutually agreed to end his weekly column, which has appeared each Friday since the summer. “We expect our columnists to submit original work and to properly attribute material, and we appreciate that the senator and his staff have taken responsibility for an oversight in one column,” Times Editor John Solomon said.“We also appreciate the original insights he has shared with our readers over the last few months and look forward to future contributions from Sen. Paul and any other members of Congress who take the time to help educate our readers,” Mr. Solomon said.

Even the Washington Times expects non-plagiarized work! Who would have thunk it? Anyway, sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

Following allegations of plagiarism that caused a shake-up in the senator's office, Rand Paul's (R-KY) opinion column has found a new home at Breitbart News."Paul is pleased to partner with Breitbart News and looks forward to the new, wider audience for his columns," Paul advisor Doug Stafford told Breitbart in Wednesday's announcement.

"We are pleased to add Senator Paul to our lineup of fearless, original thought leaders," Breitbart News CEO Larry Solov said in the announcement. "Most of all, we think the fighting spirit he has become known for is a perfect fit for Breitbart News Network and reflects that of our founder, Andrew Breitbart.”

The announcement made no mention of the plagiarism allegations that led Paul and the Washington Times to "mutually" end their relationship Tuesday. Paul's column was droppedfrom the Times after the senator was accused of composing one of his op-eds for the newspaper with passages lifted almost verbatim from an article published in The Week.

And why would they mention Sen. Paul is a serial plagiarist? Who really cares about that over at Breibart? I imagine they hired a Wikipedia specialist to help with his new columns. This makes sense on so many levels because the late Andrew Brietbart never cared much about truth or professionalism, and his protege learned his lessons well.

Tbogg has the funniest piece on this so far.

So now Rand Paul is out of a job right before the holidays (THANKS A LOT OBAMA!) and now how will he be able to afford to buy Atlas Shrugged action figure toys as Christmas presents for his little moocher kids:Hayek., Ragnar, and Dany-Sue?

Fortunately, there has been some shuffling around at Dead Breitbart’s Mausoleum for Otherwise Unemployables (guy who used to go pick up Arby’s for lunch everyday is the new “editor”because he always remembered to pick up extra ArbySauce packets. Initiative!) and they have managed to fit Rand into their crowded roster of goofs, bedlamites, and outright bullshit artists.So, exciting news!
Yes, the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of Rand Paul is “original thought leader“. Okay, that’s the second thing, coming after “doesn’t know how to comb his hair yet."

We, of course wish Sen. Paul the joy of many months of intellectual endeavors, while directing his subordinates to be a little more discreet when copy and pasting internet blog stuff under his name, at least until Shirley Sherrod inevitably takes over the Breitbart domain name and turns the site into the home of ACORN for Hillary! 2016, at which point Rand Paul will probably take his copy klatch kids to some other reputable website like Infowars or probably a Dagny Taggart rape-fantasy fanfic site….

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