It's always a treat watching BillO try to dispel criticisms of conservative racism against Obama. In this clip he actually makes the case that if there is racism against Obama then there was racism against George Bush. Huh?
In Huntsville, Al. there was a racist float against President Obama and BillO downplays it saying that it's nothing and Obama should ignore it. Now if it was a float during a George Bush event that had hateful taunts directed at him then O'Reilly would be livid and led off this segment labeling this as the loons of the left who hate America. But instead, he shrugs it off:
O'Reilly: It's a dopey float…I look at it, I'm not angry, I'm not upset, I don't make a phone call…
BillO would have a guest on saying how offended they are over a float against Bush…
He gets into why people get so upset at politicians and calls it a mental disorder. Yes, he's right, but it was started by the right against Clinton and continues to this day. There's no reason to hate Obama as much as they do except that they hate a black man in the White House. Bush was handed the presidency by the Supreme Court and that made the left very angry, but it was his Iraq war that really upset people across this country.
Colmes: …but there's certain hatred for this president because he's black.
O'Reilly: Awww…baloney the black business.
You can't discount that there in some quarters...
O'Reilly: OK, so they hated Bush because he was white then.,...Bush is white, they hated him
Is BIllO saying that blacks hated Bush because he's white? It's hard to tell. I guess he's trying to say that white Democrats hated Bush because he's white...It makes no sense, but this is the stuff that turns righties into mental defectives...