I pity Amanda Carpenter because it seems like the appearances on Bill O'Reilly's show are really affecting her, and that's too bad. She's a conservati
April 21, 2009

I pity Amanda Carpenter because it seems like the appearances on Bill O'Reilly's show are really affecting her, and that's too bad. She's a conservative and I'm a liberal, but I think we can both agree that the news is the news and her response to a segment on Reliable Sources was really a justification for the behavior of Fox during the teabagging parties.

SESNO: Because that's not our job. Our job is not to use our podium and our platform and our television camera to tell people what they should be thinking and doing. Our job should be to tell them what's happening out there and then they decide what to do.

KURTZ: You disagree with that?

CARPENTER: You know, this is -- I disagree with using words like "fascism" on the Fox Business Network, but we are entering a period, I think Ana Marie would agree -- I mean, we both cover things, we both have perspectives. I think this is becoming more acceptable in journalism as long as you're up front about it first.

No, it's never acceptable to do this. Never, ever. Journalists can have a point of view, but not when they are reporting on events. You can't say that Iraq is going to bomb us just because you want that war to take place, no matter what the evidence suggests. And then masquerading as a news entity is the worst form of deceit there is, especially when they turn into a propaganda enterprise. It is acceptable if you don't have the word "News" in your network.

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