April 22, 2010

Yesterday on Hardball I heard the most amazing spin/lie I think I have ever heard. While discussing the new law in Arizona that says candidates must show their birth certificate to be on the ballot, Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) decided to totally twist the reason for the new law and declare that it is aimed at John McCain:

This is a very interesting statement, and one that follows politics at all knows to be false. John McCain has been on the ballot in Arizona for over three decades and it was never an issue before. It didn’t become an issue until the crazy birthers came out questioning President Obama’s citizenship – something that has been disproven time and time again.

I’ll hand it to Matthews for handling this idiot rather well. I am also kind of shocked this exchange hasn’t gained more attention in the blogosphere. I doubt Bilbray is just speaking from the crazy corner of his brain. I got a feeling this is the kind of spin we will hear a lot more as people talk about Arizona’s transformation into a police and birther state.

(cross posted from IntoxiNation)

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