Apparently Greta Van Susteren wasn't too happy with Tucker Carlson for the article published at his blog, The Daily Caller on Mike Tyson's remarks about Sarah Palin following claims that Palin snorted cocaine and had affairs with NBA player Glen
September 20, 2011

Apparently Greta Van Susteren wasn't too happy with Tucker Carlson for the article published at his blog, The Daily Caller on Mike Tyson's remarks about Sarah Palin following claims that Palin snorted cocaine and had affairs with NBA player Glen Rice. Mediaite has more of the details on the interview if you want to read them here -- Tucker Carlson And Greta Van Susteren Tear Each Other Apart Over Mike Tyson Story.

Other than finding it fairly amusing that Van Susteren, who's been a staunch defender and water carrier for Palin and her husband resorted to almost Hannity-like tactics to go after Tucker Carlson and the fact that these two were going after each other in the manner they did here in the first place, I'll just add that I agree with what James Wolcott tweeted on this one.


I've never felt that Palin was a serious contender for the 2012 presidential race and that if she does enter at this late date, it's going to be for the same reason that Newt Gingrich finally threw his hat in there. It's not because she actually wants to be president, but keeping up the facade that is necessary to keep her relevant and to keep that money coming in for her book sales and her speaking engagements.

If there's any truth to the accusations made in Joe McGinniss's book I'm wondering if we can finally stick a fork in her pretending she's actually going to run in 2012, or ever for that matter.

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