July 9, 2010

Greta Van Susteren and Tucker Carlson are both sure that Sarah Palin's new web ad leaves no doubt that she's going to run for President on 2012. Carlson also goes so far as to claim that Palin is also going to be the "next iteration of what the women's movement is becoming." Yeah sure Tucker, right along with that other great feminist icon Phyllis Schlafly.

Van Susteren: You know what I find interesting is that she’s drawing out… she’s going to the women. She’s targeting women and saying, you know “the mom awakening, now we’ve had enough” and you think of all the women that were such an important vote to the ah… President Clinton and getting him elected and she’s like zooming in and targeting women.

Carlson: Well it’s interesting because her politics are not conventional feminine… in some ways she’s making a feminist argument, an argument about feminine empowerment but she’s an observant Christian, she’s pro-life, I mean she’s a lot of things…

Van Susteren: Is that… what is feminism? I mean that’s the great debate. In the 1960’s feminism, or what women wanted was equal rights and women wanted a chance to have jobs and compete with men equally, physically, be able to raise families and have careers. That’s what it was in the 60’s. So in some ways she’s not vastly different from what was wanted in the 60’s.

Carlson: Well those goals of course have been achieved. I mean more women than men have jobs in the United States today. More women than men have…

Van Susteren: We’re more capable.

Carlson: There’s no question about that. More women graduate from college than men do. My only point is that the organized women’s groups, the ones that weigh in during election seasons that one thinks of…

Van Susteren: Special interests.

Carlson: That’s right… are almost all left wing groups. Not an attack, merely an observation and she’s not.

Van Susteren: She’s going for the… she’s doing something… she’s going for the mothers, for the woman at home and not just the women who are mothers but she’s going for the sort of the, the women who hadn’t been part of those special groups and that’s a large number.

Carlson: It’s a massive number. It’s of course much larger than the membership of NOW, I mean if the National Organization of Women still exists.

Van Susteren: Yeah that’s just the point. Where has NOW been?

Carlson: That’s right.

Van Susteren: NOW is almost nonexistent. I mean look at what the women didn’t do for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton. Everyone thought that was going to be the camp that women came out in droves for. Women were very ineffective in terms and a lot of them didn’t support her.

Carlson: That’s true. This is clearly the next iteration of what the women’s movement is becoming but it is if you stand back three feet, it wasn’t so long ago the most knowledgeable, purportedly knowledgeable political analysts in Washington were saying there’s no way she’s running for President.

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