From C-SPAN's Washington Journal, the Carlson twins (not really) Margaret and Tucker showed up to give us some of their Villager insight on the news of the day. When asked about how people feel about quitter Sarah-Barracuda, Tucker pulled out the tired old McCain campaign rhetoric about how President Obama is "less experienced" than Palin even though he thinks there should be "more respect for the office" than to want to elect either one of them. Tucker added that he believes Palin is smarter than Al Gore, and just thinks its "weird" that anyone would be terrified of her and afraid that she might actually have a chance of being elected President.
Margaret played nice and just followed up by saying that Sarah didn't strike her as much of a reader. She reads alright Margaret--Newsmax and The John Birch Society.
Tucker gave me an excuse to to post this exchange where Jon Stewart treated Carlson with the disdain he deserves for his hackery. No more bow tie these days, but no less idiotic.