June 17, 2010

Keith slams Dick Armey for going after MSNBC in his Tea Time segment.

Dick Armey: Rand Paul Made 'Rookie Mistake' Going On Maddow:

Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey told reporters today that Senate candidate Rand Paul is an "amateur" who made two big mistakes -- appearing on Rachel Maddow's show and declaring himself as a leader of the tea party movement.

"Rand Paul made an amateur, freshman, rookie mistake -- he thought MSNBC was a legitimate news organization," Armey said at a lunch today hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. "These are not professional people. ... Bless his heart, he walked right into a buzzsaw."

TPM asked Armey if he'd advise candidates to only appear on Fox News, and he said many Republicans are "quite comfortable" on Fox, which they find to be more accurate and reliable. Armey (R-TX), co chairman of Freedom Works, said he would have advised Paul not to go on Maddow's show -- an appearance that earned him days of negative headlines for questioning the constitutionality of portions of the Civil Rights Act. Armey said Maddow and MSNBC's Keith Olbermann are not legitimate or honest, calling them "political hacks."

"Olbermann has never gotten over the Americans beating the Russians in 1980," Armey said. "Don't tell me he's a news person."

As TPM noted Keith responded:

Mr Armey is, as ever, perfectly, wonderfully tone deaf. I actually attended the USA upset of the USSR in Lake Placid in 1980 and it remains one of the most joyous memories of my life as a proud American. I also wonder about why Mr. Armey so happily took money to appear on my show during his days as a paid MSNBC contributor. But lastly I'd like to congratulate him on once again living up to his nearly onomatopoeic name "Dick Armey."

I wondered about that too. It looks like Dick isn't too worried about coming back on MSNBC any time soon which sure as hell wouldn't break my heart unless he'd agree to go on with Rachel Maddow. He's attacked Rachel quite a few times since their appearance on Meet the Press together and the ignorant bully hasn't had the guts to go back on the air with her since. Some tough guy, huh?

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